About MATA

MATA specialises in providing training courses specially catered to suit the needs of industry players.

With custom and well researched programs, MATA facilitates in adding value to improve organisations’ growth through expertise development. Our programs include public trainings, in-house training services, team building as well as technical training.

Our programs include public trainings, in-house training services, team building as well as technical training.
View our workshops

Our Services

How We Can Help?

CIDB Training

CIDB Training

In-House Training

In-House Training

Online Training

Online Training

MATA offers superior corporate training courses and programs, a meaningful learning experiences and effective results. View our upcoming workshops

our values

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These values give us the foundations we need.

Our Seminar Locations

Upcoming events

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Let’s get started

Looking for right training solutions?
We can help you..

MATA offers superior corporate training courses and programs,
a meaningful learning experiences and effective results.

Let us provide the support you deserve.